
k8彩乐园app官网下载 encourages all students to consider studying abroad! We have programs available on 6 continents and in different formats so you can tailor the experience to your interests. To look through the available options, check out our 节目搜索. More information on the different types of programs and how financial aid can apply is also found on our 网站.


Students of all majors are eligible to go abroad for up to a full calendar year. 这可以是一整年的课程, two semester length programs or several shorter study abroad experiences.

开始计划永远不会嫌早! We recommend the following steps to success:

  1. Start the conversation early with both your academic advisor and the Education Abroad office. We generally say that you should reach out to the Education Abroad office (studyabroad@526494.com) about a year before you actually want to leave.
  2. Note the application deadlines – the priority deadline to complete a study abroad application is September 1st for Winter and Spring programs, 2月1日为夏季和秋季课程. 
  3. 保持你的成绩! All programs have minimum eligibility requirements, 包括平均绩点, 等级或课程先决条件.
  4. 远离麻烦. Student conduct is a factor is the study abroad application and approval process.
  5. Stay informed and on top of your AU finances. Being knowledgeable about your financial aid package (if applicable) and understanding AU billing will make choosing the right program easier.
  6. 考虑语言学习. Though not necessary to study abroad (many of our programs offer classes in English), knowing a second language opens up your options.



  • Students must obtain prior approval for the courses and credits taken on study abroad. 等所有签名都收集好了, course approval forms (and all supporting course descriptions or syllabi) must be filed with the Office of the Registrar – no exceptions. The courses and credits will be applied (as listed on the course approval form) to the k8彩乐园app官网下载 record upon receipt of an official transcript (see below). Any course not approved in advance and in writing may not earn any credit.
  • Any subsequent changes to pre-approved coursework must be approved in writing.
  • All pre-approved courses taken abroad appear on the k8彩乐园app官网下载 transcript with a grade of CR (credit earned) or NC (no credit earned). Credit is earned for approved courses that are passed with the equivalent of a C or above.
  • The CR/NC grades from a study abroad program are not included in the calculation of the k8彩乐园app官网下载 grade point average (GPA).
  • Official transcripts must be received within six months of the completion of the coursework directly from the institution abroad to the Office of the Registrar: Registrar, k8彩乐园app官网下载, 撒克逊路1号,阿尔弗雷德,纽约州14802. Unofficial transcripts, including official copies handled by the student, are not acceptable.
  • Credit systems around the world vary and final conversions are calculated by the Education Abroad office in consultation with the Office of the Registrar. 举个例子, a common method of indicating credit internationally is the European Credit Transfer System; one ECTS credit has been determined to equal 0.6 semester credit hours at AU; this means that a successful credit load abroad of 30 ECTS credits will be listed as 18 k8彩乐园app官网下载 credits.
  • Financial aid regulations mandate a minimum successful enrollment in, 完成, 相当于12u.S. 每学期学分.
  • Residency requirement: 本科 students must complete at least 45 credit hours in residence at k8彩乐园app官网下载. “In residence” means courses offered by k8彩乐园app官网下载 on campus, 在一个扩展站点, 或者通过远程教育. All students must complete their final 30 semester credit hours in residence. (Students who have met the 45 hour residency requirement and who are approved for study abroad in the second to last semester before graduation are exempt from the requirement to be in residence for the final 30 credit hours, but must be in residence in the final semester.)
  • The study abroad program must report all credit earned for the semester abroad.
  • Students who remain registered for regular classes (non-OCST) on-campus in 阿尔佛雷德 on the first day of the term here are charged AU tuition for those classes.


All students going abroad for a semester or longer are required to enroll in OCST 301. This class is designed to prepare students for living and studying in a different country. It's a B-block class (meets only in the second half of a semester) and students will enroll during the semester prior to the semester they plan to study abroad.