Alfred University News


At most typical college or university biology labs, the human body is studied by using textbooks, molded plastic models, and printed diagrams. 有些人拥有足够的财力,使用真实的人类尸体. At Alfred University, 一项相对较新的技术允许教师和学生获得看似无穷无尽的资源来研究人体解剖学.

Last October, k8彩乐园app官网下载生物与生物化学系获得了一个Anatomage数字尸体表, 给系里带来了一种通常在研究生阶段才有的设备 and professional environments. The table, about seven feet in length by two feet wide, contains a digital database of four human cadavers, as well as more than 15,000个计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描人类和动物的身体. With a touch-screen surface, 人体图像可以被操纵,使特定的身体系统(消化系统), respiratory, circulatory, i.e.),器官和骨骼部分可以分离和研究.

对人体的扫描显示出一些疾病,比如腹部动脉瘤, ectopic pregnancies, hardened arteries, 还有骨折——它可以用图表或模型不可能的方式来检查.

Jennifer Gordon, k8彩乐园app官网下载解剖学和生理学助理教授, is the resident digital cadaver table guru. 在她的教学生涯中,她有很多使用尸体桌的经验. A graduate of SUNY Oneonta, 大约10年前,戈登第一次在母校的校友通讯上看到了这种设备, when the technology was new. At the time, 她在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校教书, 并与那里的生物系合作,获得了一张Anatomage数字工作台.

表格数据库中的尸体图像来自于同意捐献遗体用于 National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project after they had passed away. The Visible Human Project created complete, anatomically detailed, 将尸体包裹在明胶中,然后以十分之一毫米的间隔切割成人体的三维表现. 每个横截面都被拍摄下来,然后用数字技术重建图像. 这些图像包含在k8彩乐园app官网下载生物实验室的数字尸体数据库中.

戈登说,从教学的角度来看,数字尸体是非常有益的. “这让我们作为教师的工作变得更加出色. (教学)的可能性是无限的,”她说. The technology, is advantageous from a cost standpoint, as labs that use real cadavers can be very expensive.

“(使用数字尸体表的)本科课程数量很少,” Gordon noted, “但拥有真正的尸体实验室的数量更少.”

“数字尸体表”使我们的学生能够访问一个广泛的医学相关3D扫描和真实人类和动物尸体图像库,” said Jean Cardinale, professor of biology and division chair. “这是一种资源,可以让我们的学生在更大程度上提高他们对解剖学和生理科学的知识和理解,而不是传统资源.”

戈登说,她用这些设备来教她的解剖学和生理学课程, 它也可以用于高级课程,比如人类病理生理学, immunology, toxicology, and animal nutrition. 生物材料工程专业的学生可以用这张桌子来研究人工关节和假肢, which are present in some of the human body CT scans. 适合在健康和科学领域从事任何职业的学生, the cadaver table is a valuable learning tool.

Group Photo Digital Cadaver Table

解剖学和生理学助理教授詹妮弗·戈登(右二)向学生展示生物实验室的数字尸体桌, from left: Elias Orfanides, senior biology major; Natalia Rychman, sophomore health fitness management major; Monica Lewis, senior health fitness management major; and Morgan Drohan, senior biomaterials engineering major.

“它触及了所有的医学学科:物理治疗, occupational therapy, athletic training, physician assistant, nursing, chiropractic, pre-med, veterinary,” Gordon said.

Elias Orfanides, a senior biology major from Bath, NY, lauded the benefits of the digital cadaver table.

“I started using it right away,” said Orfanides, 谁将在春季从k8彩乐园app官网下载毕业后报名参加宾夕法尼亚州立大学医学院的医师助理项目. “这对了解不同的骨骼和肌肉以及它们是如何附着的非常有帮助. 与传统的模型或图表相比,它确实为您提供了不同的视角.

奥法尼德斯说,接触尸体桌有助于他为研究生院做准备. 他解释说:“这让我知道,当我进入真正的尸体实验室时,我会看到什么。. “这将使我能够更好地通过结构识别(人体的某些部位), as opposed to an artist’s rendering.”


“It’s huge,” she said. “We put this on the tour (for prospective students). 我们想让学生和家长看到,在学术上, we are just as far along as our larger counterparts. We can say, ‘check this out.“这就是我们比其他本科生物学专业更好的地方.”

“For students who want to go to a small school, you won’t find this at many of them,” Orfanides added. “在这里,每个人都有机会使用它,无论是单独使用还是小组使用.”

“尸体桌是了解我们身体复杂功能的窗口, from gross anatomy down to the cellular level,” Cardinale said. “This kind of exploration is unparalleled, 我们为它将为我们的学生提供的机会感到兴奋.”